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Ranking Methodology Explanation of how the Local environment Index and the sub-indices are calculated. (PDF)

Local Business Environment Index

The Local Business Environment Index is aimed at distinguishing the differences in local business climate and investigating where in Bulgaria (in which city or municipality) it is easiest to do business. The index includes all 28 Bulgarian regions, and every region is represented by one city - usually the biggest one (regional capital).

 The index does not look into quality of life or wealth in the different cities. The index does not aim to show which cities are most lucrative for business. Our focus lies exclusively on the conditions for doing business, especially administrative ones. We do not take into account factors such as: presence of markets and customers, infrastructure, investment, human capital, etc. We only investigate the administrative burden, put on business in the form of taxes and fees, regulations, quality of administrative service, and corruption.


Municipality: Kustendil
Region: South-West
Population: 64000

Index 2011

Overall Ranking Overall Ranking Local Taxes Local Taxes Local Fees Local Fees e-Government E-government Construction Permits Construction Permits Public Registers Public Registers Perception of Corruption Perception of Corruption Employment Employment Wages Wages Education Education FDI FDI

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